Washing machine / Washer dryer Door seals

Jul 25, 2023

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The Importance of Keeping Your Washing Machine Door Seal Clean and Replacing It When Grubby


Your washing machine or washer dryer is a hardworking appliance that helps keep your clothes clean and fresh. However, amidst all the loads of laundry, we often overlook an essential component - the door seal. This rubber gasket around the door area plays a crucial role in preventing water leakage and ensuring an efficient wash cycle. In this blog, we will explore why it is vital to keep your washing machine door seal clean and replace it when it becomes grubby.

Preserving Efficiency and Performance
The door seal creates a watertight seal between the door and the drum, preventing water from leaking during the wash cycle. When the seal is clean, it functions optimally, keeping your washing machine running efficiently. However, over time, dirt, lint, soap scum, and other debris can accumulate on the seal, causing it to become grubby. This build-up compromises its ability to create a proper seal, leading to water leaks and reduced washing machine performance.

Preventing Mold and Mildew Growth
A dirty door seal creates an ideal environment for mold and mildew growth. The combination of moisture, warmth, and organic residues provides the perfect breeding ground for these unwanted intruders. Mold and mildew not only produce a foul smell that can transfer to your laundry but can also pose health risks, especially to individuals with allergies or respiratory conditions. Keeping the door seal clean ensures you avoid these potential health hazards.

Extending Appliance Lifespan
Regular maintenance, including cleaning the door seal, can significantly extend the lifespan of your washing machine. A clean and well-maintained seal reduces the strain on other components of the machine, such as the pump and motor, which can be negatively affected by water leaks and excessive debris. By taking care of the door seal, you can prevent costly repairs or premature replacement of your appliance.

Preserving Clothing Quality
A grubby door seal can cause damage to your clothes during the washing process. Debris and residue on the seal may transfer onto your laundry, leaving stains or causing fabric damage. Additionally, if the seal fails to create a proper seal, small items like socks or underwear might get caught in the gap, leading to potential tearing or stretching of your clothes. By keeping the seal clean and functional, you protect your garments and maintain their quality.

Enhancing Energy Efficiency
When the door seal is dirty or damaged, the washing machine has to work harder to maintain the desired water temperature and complete the wash cycle. This increased strain can lead to higher energy consumption and utility bills. A clean and intact door seal ensures your washing machine operates at its optimum efficiency, saving both energy and money in the long run.


The washing machine door seal might be a small and often overlooked component, but its role in maintaining the appliance's performance and longevity is significant. By regularly cleaning the door seal and replacing it when necessary, you can prevent water leakage, mold growth, and potential damage to your clothes. Moreover, a well-maintained door seal contributes to energy efficiency, saving you money while ensuring your laundry is clean and fresh every time. Take care of your washing machine, and it will take care of your clothes for years to come.

Call our friendly team on 02072841470 of you like a quote to replace your door seal.   Now covering Luton to London area's. 

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